Friday, December 11, 2020


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The Real Issues and What Strains Forex in the Case of Nigeria

US Dollar vs NIGERIA Naira

Looking at: The Real Issues and What Strains Forex in Such a Case

by Dr Oni Gbolabo

Appreciation and depreciation of currency is not related to race or color or who is the president be it Hausa Igbo or Yoruba. It is basically about production of goods and services and the demand of your products in the world market. A confused country that produces almost nothing will never meet up, policies only control your currency not the value of another country’s currency against yours. 

  1. A country where over 500 industries died within 30 years must be stupid to complain of depreciation of her currency. We keep killing local industries and expect policies to make it up, it's a joke sir. Don't use China as an example of depreciating currencies and strong economy, China produces and may attract more export with that strategy unlike Nigeria that produces nothing. 

  1. A country where someone carried “$2billion+” simply to be shared is already a doomed one in terms of monetary policy and value. A country that produces Dizeani and Bafarawa who spent billions to appease demons. Money without economic value is an economic poison injected into the system.

  1. A country that favours importation over local production is doomed because it creates employment for another country while sacking her own citizens. Some people are working in Michelin and Dunlop somewhere, yet we use the tyre here. Don't tell me the principle of comparative advantage here, it's not applicable.

  1. A country that exports all raw materials without adding value is shameless to talk of depreciation of currency, to later re-import finished products of that materials is the peak of daftness. A bag of cocoa will go for like N1 million naira but when it is processed it will be worth around N7million.  Even farmers who produced raw cocoa can't buy chocolate. 

  1. A country that deliberately operates a banking system that gives loans to importers at the expense of local industries is doomed and should say nothing about depreciation. Most of the loans are given to senators and representatives not industrialists. 

  1. A country that gives loans in billions to the agric sector without monitoring & evaluation of such loans on how it gets to the real farmers is a sham. A guy collected over N2 billion agric loan, he bought a jeep, built a nice house and used the rest to import processed pork. Meanwhile, local pork farmers are dying here. Is that not a double tragedy, stressing forex at the same time killing local industries. 

  1. A country that spends more on privileged politicians at the cost of the populace who are unemployed should not talk about money depreciation. A country that keeps paying NNPC staff N10 billion as salaries every month when a single drop of petrol was not processed shout shut up about depreciation of currency. Crime is rising as value added to the initial failure.

  1. A country where it is difficult for investors to register businesses because of the governent officials demanding bribes. Right from airport, to hotel, to minister to governors investors will bribe, all these are part of the cost of investment. A friend brought an investor on estate development just for the state commissioner in charge to demand 30% of the investment. To see the governor in a state will cost you N2 million as bribe before you can be scheduled. This is a state as poor as anything.

  1.  A country where the cost of travelling for treatment abroad by officials will build world class hospitals should not talk about naira against dollar parity. Money taken to that trip is part of stress on forex. Same as forex spend on pilgrimage, let religion fanatics keep off me here. Without going to Mecca or Jerusalem you can still make heaven. You waste forex on pilgrimage to later be talking rubbish about forex.  

  1. A country where few people have access to federal reserve and those few can get loans are not because of what they can produce but the connection they have, is that country not  gone already?

  1. A country where we import what we produce because it's cheaper over there is gone.

  1. A country that has arable land, teaming idle youths and still complains of hunger should not talk about currency depreciation. It's annoying.

  1. A country where free money flows can never control inflow and outflow of forex. Imagine someone who wants to hide his loot went to Aboki to buy dollars worth $50 million just to hide it in the basement of his house. That money has no economic value yet it deprived those companies that need it to import raw materials, those companies go to Aboki to buy at exorbitant prices. 

  1. A country where a strong bank owner can influence shares from within the Stock Exchange room to inflate their shares worth from N20 to N150, crash the same share to N30 and ready to buy it back at N28 all within a year. Forget it, currency will never appreciate in such an economy. 

  1. A country where banks are involved in round tripping and inflated cost to siphon money is doomed.  A company wants to import tractor caterpillars worth $50,000. A bank made the forex $550,000j meanwhile no tractor was imported at last yet the money faded into private accounts. 

Who strains forex in such a case?

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The Eminent Elders Forum (EEF) comprises of very top ranking senior citizens that have transversed all spheres of human endeavours including the very high politically exposed; high ranking fellows in the executive, legislative, judiciary, police, military, civil, public and private sectors of our country, Nigeria. 

Many of the members of the Eminent Elders Forum are far into their retirement from active service but came together to offer elderly advisories, to reminisce, share experiences and contribute to the well being of humanity. 

The Eminent Elders Forum is a political, non religious, non tribal/ethnic, non racial and non discriminatory body with currently listed membership of over 300 of highly cerebral, accomplished and diversely distinguished eminent elders across the country. 

Recently, the body had a two-day online Meeting/Discussion, precisely on  

21st and 22nd of November, 2020 on the topical national issue of restructuring the polity and constitutional amendments.

The subject matter, as stated above, was whether:

  1. To amend the 1999 Constitution or replace it with the 1963 Constitution?

  1. To continue with the presidential system or revert to the parliamentary system?

  1. What system do we prefer? Unitary, Federal with strong/weak federating units? Or confederation?

  1. What type of legislature should we operate at the federal level from 2023 – unicameral or bicameral

As expected of high level discussions on national issues, the deliberation was highly tasking, well debated and fruitful. At the end of the two-day meeting, it was resolved to advice the Federal Government, especially the executive and the legislature as resolved below:


  1. Discard the 1999 Constitution and replace it with the 1963 Constitution with Amendments to reflect the current realities in the country.

  1. Adopt Confederation with the Bicameral legislature.

  1. Draft a completely new constitution that meets the aspiration or truly representative of the people of Nigeria.

The above impute were informed by the fact that:

  1. The1999 Constitution is found defective in many aspects and gave the centre an unfettered power while reducing the states to mere appendages, hence the clamour for re-structuring and  amendments to the said 1999 constitution. Therefore, the best option is to have our elected representatives redesign a constitutional document that can be subjected to a referendum by the people of Nigeria.

  1. The 1999 Constitution, premised on the presidential system, is considered too expensive for the country. Therefore, we cannot continue to operate it as the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

  1. The 1960/1963 Constitution is a parliamentary system that guarantees true Federalism and devolves more power from the center to the states (Federating Units). 

EEF is therefore of the opinion that Nigeria should return to the 1963 Constitution with appropriate modifications.

We advise that Constitution alignment should begin with totally independent systems that throw up best leadership for totally independent federating states, units or agreed structures. We advocate for:

  1. Strict commitment and compliance to the rule of law, equity and discipline with the fear of God.

  1. Electronically transparent electoral protocol/process.

  1. Fairness, equity and justice to all regardless of religion, ethnic or cultural considerations in all aspects of governance.

  1. A parliamentary system with a redefinition of the regions/zones with the old Mid-Western region being part of it. 

  1. A unicameral legislature with members working part time and entitled to sitting and transport allowance especially in this age of technology advancement.

  2. Abrogation of the unitary system which is a command system only fit for the military. The state/regions as federating units should be strengthened and given more responsibilities/power. 

  1. Reduce the items in the exclusive lists to the advantage of the concurrent.

  1. Although we have political imperatives, the rationale for urgent change is now economic. Nigeria is dead broke (in recession) and bankrupt. As a result, the administrative cost of governance should be reduced drastically i.e. we can no longer afford the salaries or remunerations of the followings:

  1. 774 Chairmen and their councillors of Local Government Councils.

  1. 36 State Houses of Assemblies and 36 State Governors, Deputies with scandalous and outrageous security votes.

  1. 42 Ministers and Permanent Secretaries and over 700 MDAs at Federal Level. There is a need to drastically reduce the recurrent expenditure especially now in the face of recession.

  1. Given the many defects of the 1999 Constitution and the many challenges of amendments, the best option in the circumstance is to draft a new constitution or simply adopt the 1963 Constitution with amendments to reflect the following: 

  1. A truly federal system of government composed of semi-autonomous regions and less attractive central government.

The Federal Government will handle its statutory duties such as defense, customs, immigration, foreign affairs etc while the federating regions will handle internal securities (Police, prisons, lands, Local taxes etc); each region will also evolve its own laws in consonance with local traditions and in line with its core values.

  1. The new arrangement will include a national referendum which would be an instrument required to ratify and legitimize the recommendations of the constituent assembly.

  1. The general consensus here is that there must be structural changes in our constitution before the next election.

The contention is that the four regions that informed the 1963 constitution - Eastern, Northern, Midwestern, and Western Regions should constitute the minimum base for the establishment of regional governments.

That for the purpose of equity, the Midwest region should always be taken as equal to the other regions regarding any restructuring. The six geopolitical zones should be incorporated in the 1963 Constitution. The geopolitical zones can be the kernel for the incorporation of regional governments.If the six (6) geopolitical zones are to constitute regions, the uniqueness of the Midwestern region should be taken into consideration in which case there should be seven regions not six.

The seven suggested regions are as follows:

  1. The Midwestern Region shall consist of  Edo and Delta States in the present South South geopolitical zone.

  1. The South South Region shall consist of Rivers State,  Bayelsa State, Akwa Ibom State and Cross Rivers State in the present South South geopolitical zone.

  1. The North Central Region shall consist of States in the North Central geopolitical zone

  1. The North East Region shall consist of states in the North East geopolitical zone.

  1. The North West Region shall consist of states in the North West geopolitical zone

  1. The South Eastern Region shall consist of States in the South East geopolitical zone. 

  1. The South West Region shall consist of states in the South West geopolitical zone.


  1. Replace 1999 Constitution with 1963 Constitution with Amendments to reflect today’s realities in Nigeria.

  1. Revert to a parliamentary system of government because it is cheaper and the burden of governance is lighter with less corruption and more development oriented.

  1. Adopt a Federal system of government with strong federating units but with right provisions to make it difficult for any of the federating units to pull out of the Union.

  1. Adopt a unicameral legislature which is cheaper and with less internal party crisis.

  1. Consider the adoption of seven regions as stated above or more. 

The present states in each of the proposed regions shall serve as provinces in the region. 

Each province shall be headed by a Provincial Administrator.

The mineral resources and VAT in each region shall be under the control of the Regions/States. The Region/States shall however pay an agreed percentage of the revenue and VAT to the federal government. 

For effective and efficient, effective and workable security architecture, the Police shall be decentralised to reflect the federal, regional and provincial administration that would eventually emerge”.

  1. There is a strong argument and recommendation to revert to our 1963 Constitution. Instead of the recurrent ritual and wasteful efforts in attempts to amend the present comatose 1999 Constitution, the National Assembly should simply delete the schedule that incorporate the 1999 constitution into military decree that created it (which is now assumed to be an act of the National Assembly) and replace it with the 1963 Constitution for the concurrence of the States House of Assembly, to become operational come 2023 at the expiration of all the current elective positions as an act of the National Assembly. 

This new act of the National Assembly that incorporates the 1963 Constitution should then become the basis for all elective offices come 2023. 

By this act, we would have achieved the followings:

  1. Restructuring of the polity and

  2. A cost effective, time saving and easy to operate constitution that reflects truly “WE THE PEOPLE”

The 1963 Constitution holds the ace. A one page bill that substituted 1999 constitution with 1963 Constitution is a neat way to pass and proceed. 

The addendum to the proposed bill would be guidelines and procedures for transition in a period of 2 to 3 years, that is, the remaining life span of the present government and before next election in 2023. 


His Excellency, Distinguished Senator Ibrahim Nasiru Mantu CFR - Chairman, EEF Interim Steering Committee (ISC).

Dr. Akin Fapohunda - Secretary, EEF Interim Steering Committee (ISC).

Professor Chukwuemeka Eze Onukaogu - Chairman, EEF Resolutions/Communique Committee. 

Elder Muyiwa Ayo-Vaughan - Secretary, EEF Resolutions/Communique Committee. 

Elder Smolette Adetoyese Shittu-Alamu  - Chairman, EEF Media and Publicity Committee. 

Chief Anayo Arinze - Secretary, EEF Media and Publicity Committee. 

Professor Echefuna' R. G. ONYEBEADI - Convener/Coordinator.

Administration Oloye Adeniji

However, those opportuned to be in leadership positions presently will not listen or set up appropriate structures to implement any idea that will make them lose their present status or truncate their projections.

To this end, various compatriots from all states of Federation have set up the restructure actualization movement with a view to put strategy in place to actualize a restructured Nigeria within the shortest possible time. The Restructured Actualization Summit shall hold in February 2021.  The objective is to have consensus from all Nigerians on the best constitutional framework for the positive development of all Nigrians and ipso facto “The Nation”, and the strategy for its implementation irrespective of what those opportune to be in leadership positions presently feel. 

Friday, November 13, 2020

The Stakeholder Of Potiskum Request An Intervention By The Nigerian Human Rights Commission

Mai Potiskum Writes Osinbajo, Buni, NSA, Protests Transfer Of Old Prison To Fika Emirate

Original Publication via Leadership 
July 15 2020, By H.Tyohemba, Abuja
Edited by F. Leku, Plateau

The Mai of Potiskum, HRH Emir Alhaji Umaru Bubaram, seen here on the right has kicked against the transfer of ownership of an abandoned old prison site by the Federal Ministry of Interior to the Council of Fika.

Mai Bubaram, The Emir and stakeholder of Potiskum, made the objection in a letter addressed to the National Human Rights Commission and copied Vice President Yemi Osinbajo, Governor Mai Mala Buni of Yobe State, and the National Security Adviser (NSA), Babagana Monguno.
The Royal father also copied the Senate president, the Nigeria Police Force, Director General, Department of State Security Service, the Director General, Mallam Ahmed Rufai, National Intelligence Agency Presidential Wing - Gen Muhammed Monguno, The Chief Commissioner, Public Complaint Commission and the Director General, National Commission For Museums and Monuments (NCMM).

Monday, November 9, 2020

Colonial Ramifications

Colonial Ramifications Redressed  

By Lamiso 
Community of Zazzau

Image: @Zazzau_Emirate
The Kaduna State High Court sitting in Dogarawa, Sabon Gari, Zaria ruled Alhaji Ahmed Nuhu Bamalli as the rightful 19th Emir of Zazzau city. His Coronation took place on 09 November 2020 with many dignitaries in attendance across Nigeria including Sultan of Sokoto and the Shehu of Borno to witness this important ceremony for the people of Zazzau. 

Many people welcome the news knowing that injustices could still be corrected however long it takes. Patience and perseverance have yielded a startling and profound result to the people of Zazzau as the Governor of Kaduna El-Rufa'i, healed the deep wounds planted into the hearts of Mallawa Ruling House of Zazzau Emirate in its 100 years. 

Image: @Zazzau_Emirate 

There are still many more Colonial ramifications to be corrected and redressed. The complex and unwelcome consequences have caused depression in developments in places around the country. We can speak well on this for Potiskum town, being one of the centre markets from Borno pre-colonial and then hijacked by the Colonial Administration then. The Ngizim settlers and Bade communities in the Yobe region have fought to protect their community and came into fault lines with the Administrator.  A tactical switch of controlling communities is in a similar case of Zazzau. The Zazzau case relates that Mai Martaba Aliyu Dan-Sidi was unjustly deposed by the Colonials because he held his moral principles by refusing to succumb dishonorably to dictates. 

In a similar circumstance Mai Martaba Sarkin Kano Alu I, 1903, was deposed and sent on internal exile to Lokoja until his death.

This is not about reprisal however,  The African History is many times thought to have been buried. The lack of it unfortunately sometimes halts the progress people rely upon; in having that skeletal transcript of history as a backbone that measures our progress.

Zazzau: A Coronation after 100 Years

Bamalli Zazzau Dynasty Coronation 100 Years after British Interference by Sir Frederick Lugard

Reported by By Bashir Dabo

                                                                                                              Photos from @Zazzau_Emirate 
The reinstatement of Zazzau Bamalli ruling family has triggered interest across Nigeria igniting media attention for weeks. 

When the late Nuhu Bamalli lost out the throne in 1975, the military governor at the time Abba Kyari consoled him with the idea o excising Jaji town up to Kaduna metropolis beyond and out of Zazzau Emirate to make him the Emir of Kaduna. Nuhu Bamallli outrightly rejected the idea; saying he inherited the throne o Zazzau not that of Kaduna, and would not like history to record him as the man who let the destruction of their most cherished heritage because of personal ambition and greed. He, Nuhu Bamalli was also noted to have said that if it was the will of God that he would be Emir, then God would make it so. If not he prayed that someone in his lineage would one day enjoy such benevolence.

Friday, November 6, 2020

Potiskum is not Fika

Oral and Documented Testimony of the Ngizim Community 

By F. Leku
Residents Researcher and Writer
The Typewriter Network

The Nigerian Human Rights Commission held a session in Abuja on 4th November 2020 relating to the colonial era. Members of the Potiskum Emirate Council have long been fighting over suppression within Potiskum and are seeking custodianship of the towns old prison established in 1912. This was built by the colonial regime using their grandparents as the workforces. While still, the community income was extracted in surcharged taxes and incomes sometimes taken in silver from the markets and local products from farmlands the community produced.
Potiskum Old Prison: Establised in 1912
The current Governor of Yobe State has in lieu sought The National Commission for Museum and Monument to look into the case in regards to the Potiskum community appealing for indefinite custody of the old prison and site against Fika Emirate. Due to this factor we therefore, look closely at some of the impacts of colonialism meted to the people of Potiskum (Pataskum) in the turn of 1915 and why the Potiskum Emirate is appealing for this community monument as an access point to educate people, about the importance of learning and looking after their heritage. 

For the sake of clarity, as things stand today, Potiskum town is divided into almost two equal halves- Pataskum Emirate occupying the eastern half and Fika Emirate occupying the western half in which the old prison facility and two other cultural Ngizim are located. Fika still uses Potiskum as a headquarters imposed by repression during the colonial regime; a classic bicultural interplay of the colonialists to use alien communities into another to achieve their aims. The settlement of Fika Headquarter position in Potiskum was however reversed, thereby Fika council location within Potiskum is temporary. Given both towns' geolocation by travelling distance from Potiskum to Fika is approximately 50min drive via google map.